Workshop Arm balance



Turn your practice upside down in this fun workshop on arm balances and inversion yoga postures!


Arm balances and inversions are among the scariest and most exciting things that asana practice has to offer. When learned with determination and perseverance, you will surprise yourself! In this workshop we will focus on these aspects of the practice. We will build the practice from the simple to the complex to accommodate all levels of practitioners.




Ashtanga differs from other forms of yoga through the use of Vinyasa (synchronisation of breath with movement), Ujjayi breathing (Pranayama), Bandhas (energy blocks) and Dristis (concentration points) in combination with the practice of Asanas (body positions) in a fixed series. These elements help the student to stay focused throughout the practice and to create a deep meditative state. Physical adjustments or corrections are an important part of Ashtanga classes. Teachers not only give verbal instructions, but use their hands to correct the student's posture or deepen it through stretching and extension.


TEACHER Jana Czipin

My personal experience with Ashtanga Yoga is an experience of gratitude and love for this practice. I have practiced Yoga for 25 years and I have deepened in the technique by training as an Ashtanga Yoga teacher in the Mysore Mandala Shala in India. I have traveled a lot in the Yoga world nourishing myself with teachers and practices based on tradition. I continue my training with an intensive yoga course at KYM in Chennai from India. I enjoyed an Ashtanga Yoga training with David Svenson and  workshops with Manu Jois, Swarasti Jois and Sharath Jois. I decide to write two books so that the wisdom of this practice expands and reaches a greater number of people: "Ashtanga Yoga" and "Manual of Pranayamas" (available in English and German).



Centre GAIA

C/ Duque de Gaeta, 8

46022 Valencia
(near Metro Amistad, L5, L7)



€ 20



Please confirm your assistance with

+34-693247226 (Jana)